Only one? I counted two (healthy) life and agency. Aristotles would have agreed

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While this discussion is very helpful as the HDI index is in common use, additionally helpful for policy makers and general understanding is Maslow's enumeration of five primary human needs. They may be re-stated slightly as follows. (Note that work is not defined as a means to live or survive, but as a means to develop one's innate talents so that work is no longer drudgery but closer to play. I don't know, but it seems to me that this may be very true for Branko Milanovic.)

Maslow's Five Primary Human Needs

1) Survival and sustaining

2) Protection and safety

3) Enriching

4) Embellishing

5) Development (outer and inner)

1) Survival and sustaining

---air, water, food, warmth, tenderness, physical and mental safety

2) Protection and safety

---shelter, security, hygiene, preventive health care

3) Enriching

---education, spiritual "food", knowledge of moral, aesthetic and social values and duties, self-respect, identity, belonging

4) Embellishing

---music, toys, play, pictures, stories, fantasy

5) Development (outer and inner)

---training of innate talents: "vocational" education with general education appropriate to one's future

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Un poco extraño ese final del texto ...

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