You are right Branko. I have read nothing about this anywhere. Many thanks for writing this. NB. The comparison of the EU to the teenage bully "selling" a brick is particularly apt I think.

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Excellent article Branko. Thank you. I did ventilate it on my FaceBook (if there are still some people (out of 5000 "friends" I do have there) who are reading anything beyond titles - it is there for people to see it).

However, I recently did one experiment and I would like to tell you about it here.

Namely, you probably have heard about AI CHatGPT. Since I do work with Computational Biology, I was wondering how useful ChatGPT could be. After some other experimental questioning, I offered the text to the dialog field of ChatGPT where I basically describe arguments in favor of long-standing R1b gene haplogroup (WESTerners) hatred against Serbs. In less than a second, ChatGPT answered something like this:

"The text appears to express a belief that Westerners have hostility towards Serbs and that they use deceptive practices to undermine and ostracize successful individuals of Serbian origin. It also claims that this behavior is particularly pronounced in sports, arts, and science and that Western society is rotten and Nazi-like. This text is not only offensive but also contains inaccuracies and is not supported by evidence. It is not productive or helpful to make sweeping generalizations about entire groups of people based on nationality or ethnicity."

It also added that I had cited many unreliable sources and facts which do not correspond to reality.

Well, it is a typical answer from empty-headed, indoctrinated, and poor souls of many of colleagues I have around the world, but who are at the same time very successful "scientists".

I concluded that the ChatGPT training was not only biased but heavily inclined toward defense of the WESTRN type of logical mind flux.

Therefore, I asked ChatGPT if it is capable of self-improvement based on factual data.

It responded vaguely that yes, but it can not access the internet and the data on which it is trained are limited to 2021.

So I asked to list all data it considers false in my text. ChatGPT listed those. In response, I send to it pointers (all published before 2021), proving the point I was making in my original text and ask ChatGPT if it is having access to those data in its training and if it is considering such proof, all coming from for example Reuters, as reliable sources? CHatGPT affirmed that it does KNOW about those sources.

Finally, I know that the language model relies on logic models and logic will force the final output to recognize the value of the text I sent at the beginning as theTRUE and not false, so I asked again the initial question and this time the CHATGPT responded in favor of my text.

The long story right?

However, it serves for three very important points regarding your article:

1. Both people and DB as well as AI are all indoctrinated, brainwashed, and biased in a conscious attempt of WESTerners to keep them always on top of the HUMAN HIERARCHY

2. Logical decomposition of their (clearly) WRONG PREMISSES is POSSIBLE by

A) having trustful and factual data

B) complete control of LOGICAL operations that would together decompose willing individuals or machines capable of self-improvement, to abandon the FALSE WESTERN narrative.

3. such an approach would bring a single most important conclusion (that your article is probably intentionally not offering) regarding the question: what should Serbia do facing yet another WESTern ULTIMATUM?

The answer is simple - Serbia should again refuse to obey ultimatums which always serve just as a tool to the POWERFUL but WRONG sides, that use their power to convince the righteous one of wrongdoing.

I hope this might be of some use to someone.

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I do not understand why Serbs have such a difficulty processing their international image. Your former President and other “leaders” were the first to be prosecuted for war crimes on the European continent since WWII. You continue to persist in your violent and belligerent behavior toward your neighbors. Why would Europeans want to have this inside the EU and why would they want to look the other way while this is being perpetrated just South of the EU zone. A little self-reflection would go a long way.

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This is the exact point I was making above: the comment written by you is full of WESTern narrative which is there because you were your whole life fed by the same WESTern narrative and this is the content of a usual R1b gene haplogroup so called BRAIN. In fact, you and similar automata do not ask for self-reflection but for obedience, and if someone does not obey, then you construct simple kangaroo courts so that empty-headed, brainwashed automata such as you can refer to it.  If the "WESTern narrative" word offended you, imagine how much it offends Serbian people the mere existence of years 1914, 1941, 1990, 1999, and last month ULTIMATUM? Millions of SERBIAN lives are wasted by the R1b´s, and from the other side: the very same players: WESTerners, asking us to self-reflect. WEST was so genuinely friendly toward us, right? Ask Hitler, your IDOL! Ooooh, he is not? OK. How coincidental it is that the VERY same countries in 1941 were gathering together to attack RUSSIA, following the nazi mind of HITLER, just as today !? Just a mere coincidence?

"Wake up!", would be an empty call because one R1b never wakes up. You as a collective WEST are descendants of the YAMNAYA people, the most genocidal bunch that ever lived on this planet and YAMNAY came to EUROPE where they were INVADORS. They almost eradicated the I2 gene haplogroup (SERBS) who are on this territory since 12500 years ago (genetic studies) and from that period to today, the inversion of facts and ultimatums did not stop. Also, stupidity and such poor-minded comments are just typical of WESTern automata, accustomed to easy leaving based on PLANETARY plundering, and of course, including, plundering of SERBIAN lands, lands of Lepenski Vir people, land of VINCA people, land of ILIRIANS, land of SERBONS, land of SERBIA that left, written in STONE, artifacts from the middle east in the south till DRESADEN in the NORTH, but VATICAN and its armed forces (AustroHungarians and GERMANS) rewrote the history, bombed the sources of historical facts (libraries) and archeological sites, and put a great admiration of theirs, a communist, ex Franz Josef solder, communist TITO, to destroy everything of I2 gene haplogroup origin.

Then, of course, you hate Novak Djokovic because he is I2 that does not obey or because SERBS attack territories where they actually live since mesolithic times?

You stubbed Monika Sels because she is Serbin or because Serbs attacking peaceful neighbors such as Bulgars, Albanians, Hungarians, Germans... all very, very peaceful nations of GENOCIDAL automata.

So, how about that? 

I am not going to ask you for self-retrospect - that would be a useless call to automata who newer did it and is not capable of doing it. 

I am not going to ask for God to illuminate your path, because you do not OBEY GOD...your chief executive officer is the Eveils EMpire, which actually also has explicit symbols of such obedience by R1b to IT.

I just ask God to move all of the R1b to the next planet, because the project of putting us together on this planet, obviously did not give any rise in proving the R1b gene haplogroup is capable of IMPROVING. And we, the I2 gene haplogroup, are tired of having to suffer in order for genocidal automata from R1b whole commonwealth, to jump out of the claws of the Evils Empire.

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Thank you for your lengthy, comprehensive, and illuminating response. If what you say would indeed be correct, there are a couple of items that are incongruent with the diatribe above: 1. For example Serbs began the violence by attacking the breakaway Republic of Slovenia, which voted, via a referendum, to leave the Federation. I believe the capital of Slovenia has the dubious distinction to be the first city in Europe since WWII to be subjected to aerial bombardment (by Serbs). Simply by consulting a pre-1990 map, I do not see that this Republic’s borders are contiguous with Serbia or the lovely Serbian lands, nor is there any, or ever had been, any notable Serbian population in the said Republic. Your argument falls apart in the face if these little historical facts. Second, if you are indeed the “salt of the earth” as you suggest, and have occupied those lands since mesolithic times, why haven’t you been able to build any kind of a civilization? Political order? Spiritual order? Why is it, as fabulous as you say you are in possible aspects, including genetics, are you so dependent on the EU to bail you out? Given your genetic and cultural superiority why not go it alone?

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Mr. Crandall,

If you were not R1b, de descendent of Yamnaya's most genocidal people on the planet earth, I would not need to respond to your "two FACTS"! You would know that they are actually factoids, produced by the WESTern so-called media, but actually PR in service of the Evils Empire.

Also, I know of traditional arrogance and cynicism of the R1b´s, so when you say "illuminating", then you can not, BY DEFINITION of the R1b behavior, continue without saying: "If what you say would indeed be correct!". See, those two statements do not go together even in your quase civilization, or better, in your so-called WESTern civilization.

But let me quickly respond to those 2 FACTS (as you call them).

1. Slovenia:

You cite something which is equivalent to what nowadays NAZI propaganda of the EU and USA is doing regarding the so-called Russian INVASION of Ukraine.

It started one year ago right?

Well, everyone knows it did not, except that NAZIS of JEW ZELENSKY were killing Russians in the state of UKRAINE since 2012 and even more since 2014.

Everyone knows that. Even the R1bs know that, but it is impossible for your civilization to admit any wrong ding. NO WAY you will ever do such a thing, except in cases when JEWISH money isolation is above your heads so you need to accept HOLOCAUST, otherwise, according to Heidelberg coffee wooden tables, Germany and the rest of Europe would still be officially and openly, NAZI society!!!

Also, the nazi baltic states that exterminated Russians and Jews in 1939-1945, are now liberal, democratic nice shithole countries, right! Russians are bad boys, right?

Back to Slovenia:

In the whole territory of Yugoslavia, there were military units of the Yugoslav People´s Army (JNA). As soon s nazi Germany gave green light to its vassals Slovenia end Croatia to separate from Yugoslavia (remember the WW2 times, Hitler, stepped into Slovenia but never into Serbia where he would be beheaded for his rather arrogant typical R1b postures) those men from Slovenia and Croatia deserted JNA and the JNA was basically only SERBS!

Slovenians and Croats, instructed by their NAZI leaders (just like Ukraine today), surrounded military headquarters and cut their electricity, water, and everything else.

When JNA within Slovenia came out with a white flag, Slovenian criminals killed them in spite of the fact that they were obviously with the white flag in their hands. Do you need a Reference? No, I will never give you a reliable reference from Serbia, because of your typical arrogant behavior, such as: "you SERBS do not have civilization nor you may report the truth", correct?

Here is the pointer showing this act, taken by Austrian TV. BTW, not even my friends in Slovenia (believe it, there are still some of those) did not trust what they were looking at, because this was strictly controlled info. Typical WESTern lies and approach in order to conquer, by dividing and by lying.




Please notice no single reference from Serbia!!!

So, your "point one" is POINTLESS since the JNA was induced and forced to defend its people who would otherwise be killed, most likely from the order coming from Berlin, London, and Washington DC.

Sadly, but the typical act of moving the focus that WESATerners always do is to move to BORDERS with Seria into the focus, and not the simple fact about what really induced the reaction of the JNA. If your son was in JNA, giving his word in the sign of serving the COUNTRY, but some psychopaths do not let him come back to Serbia, but need to kill your son, what would you do?

The same thing follows for Putin's case in Ukraine today: for more than a decade he was EMPLORING, but he was stupid: WESTern people are liers, they are limited in their capacity to conduct any meaningful debate as they keep schizophrenic focus-shifting and then apply the principle of tiring people with the acts of shifted focus consequences. Finally, Putin reacted and kick the asses of miserable WESTERN suppository armies in Ukraine.

Same in Slovenia, but Serbia does not have an H bomb, right...the only dialogue that WESTerners do respect (although not exactly, because Psychopaths do not process real information - to the contrary, psychopaths just give time to themselves to recover and plan another aggression).

2. Sir, I do not suggest anything with regard of historical facts, and my word is worthless without the scientific facts, but real scientific facts and not Vatican/London/Berlin/Wien fabricated history facts.

Serbs are an I2 gene haplogroup and they developed the first European civilization since the Lepenski vir (12500 years ago), the Vinca civilization (5500 years ago), and had a very successful medieval civilization where many WESTrners worked in Serbia, particularly in mines of Gold, Silver, and other precious metals.

Including, the I2 civilization is known because it built the first city in Europe, the first houses, and the first two flor houses, then it had the first ArqueoAlphabet called Vincanica, which is the oldest in the world.

Also, the I2 gene haplogroup is known for PEACE, because our cities were built without walls, which is a sign of how peace and high civilization are built. For more than three thousand years it was so, till R1b Yamnaya people came and cleansed everything before them

Now, I am not going to teach you how modern civilization is built on the technology of scientific endeavor. You need money and time! To get this, you can only prosper by planetary Plundering, and that is what you call a "civilization". That is why you do not know about the real, I2 civilization.

In other words, all your R1b knowledge is false and inverted.

Tesla, a son of a Serbian priest and a Serbian mother was sent to BALCANIZE your world, but  WESTerners could not accept such HUMILIATION so they gave all patents to a plunderer called Edison and Marcony, etc.

I am quite sure, no single word of the above text has passed your walls of arrogance (yours is the civilization and ours is only wilderness) and your sarcasm (the racist Arian belief that you are God-given).

But I did my part.

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Most of your assertions are counter to historical facts. Europe was not build by Serbs! Europe is the result of the Ancient Greek civilization and the Roman Empire and the incredible civilization that they built. I’ve been to Belgrade. I did not see a Venice on the Danube — quite the opposite. I saw a lot of rather grim brutalist communist architecture. The fact that you continue to deny and deflect responsibility for your aggressive actions in just about all of the Republics of the former Yugoslavia speaks for itself. Always the aggressor and always the victim. Your glory lies in some mesolithic past — good luck with that. The rest of the world has moved on millennia ago.

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By the way, I bet you do not know how was Aleksander the Great called in Philippica.?

"A northern wildman", and he spoke some strange language!

Today, modern greeks who transformed all SERB ROOTED names of their cities into what they call GREEK LANGUAGE, claim that those wild men from the north were ANCIENT GREEKS>

They were not, they were SERBONS.

As so much about greeks and Romans.

Also, would you be so kind to list any, at least one fact I mentioned which is not supported by archeological, historical, or scientific research??



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Your problem is that what you see is not what your brain can process into a reliable factual and consistent realm.

Arrogance prevails: the same words as yours use AMERICANS when they say about natives in the North American continent: "get over it: we fucked you up and your glory is in the past.

Nowadays you are drunken idiots and we moved up".

You see, our monasteries are older than Venice, they are older than medieval constructions in Europe, but we have fallen (materially but not culturally) because the Vatican collaborated with Islamists, so they can destroy Christianity of the orthodox faith. Serbs protected WESTern Europe from Islamism, Otherwise, there would be no Venice. In fact, due to Serbian (SERBONE/ILLIRIC, etc) disobedience, the current Evils Empire is late, since Putin arose from aches, Hitler was late since he needed to kill Serbs, Napoleon was late (both Hitler and Napoleon were doing what in Moscow? Cilization mission?), Rome was late so that Serbs such as the Constantin the Great made them CHRISTIANS.

So, arrogance is fine, does not surprise me.

Sarcasm and superficiality...well, I live among such automata, highly specialized, but not really human beings with souls.

Your statements, well, they just confirm all I wrote above.

And that would be it from my side, whatever you are yet to sarcastically/arrogantly scribble below.

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If this were only a Kosovo issue, then one may take into account the purely mercantile arguments made by prof. Milanovic, whose work I have always admired btw. However, it is common knowledge that once Serbia shows readiness to negotiate, this is read as weakness by our EU/Western partners, and soon demands will be made in regards to Republika Srpska, then Sandzak and so forth...

The consequences of 'rejecting the ultimatum' may not be as clearly drawn as Professor claims. We don't know if US/EU is ready for a new front in Europe, unless they have completely lost their minds. A full-fledged set of sanctions would soon create chaos in the region. National sentiment in Serbia would spiral, spread through the region, and soon all Serb populated countries would be in some sort of political upheaval. Kosovo and Bosnia, the Federation, would seize the momentum, create additional havoc, and things could soon become uncontrollable for a longer time period. EU would have another chaos at its doorsteps and US would lose a valuable security partner (agencies) in Serbia, that it had been able to befriend over the last decade. On the business side, Serbia would obviously hurt, but so would multinationals operating in Serbia (Professors' potential large spread in GDP loss of 5-10% hints at different scenarios, not all equally harsh). Remember, EU and multinational companies did not all leave Russia (party directly at war, where 8 rounds of sanctions have been implemented), Reiffeisen, Unilever, Nestle, Kellog, Barilla... and roughly 50% of all multinationals still do business in Moscow. Are we that certain they will all leave Serbia following an order from European Commission?

Maybe a 'soft rejection' of the ultimatum would induce a soft set of sanctions, such as reduction of pre-accession funds (roughly a few hundred mil), a standstill in EU accession process (no chapters closed anyway in the past three years anyway)... Even if Vucic can not pre-arrange some sort of 'soft rejection' with the West it is riskier to accept the ultimatum than to reject it. To explain, back to the beginning of Professor's text and the brick story-we have been lied and cheated by the EU (not so US-they are straightforward and have less to offer anyway) for decades now. Most of the population is against EU and against this ultimatum, and the sentiment towards Kosovo-the cradle of Serbia- is strong and growing. The younger generations, those in high schools and unis are overwhelmingly nationalist, and this quiet force is something to count on in the next ten years.

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So all roads lead to: wait for it, VIOLENCE. Can Serbs ever settle anything w/o violence? You have been terrorizing the Balkans since 1989 when you started bombing the breakaway former Republics who had voted, legally, to separate from a “voluntary” federation that was Yugoslavia. And now you’re the victims? Lets get real.

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We should refuse for 3 reasons.

1. Accepting would wet German appetite and new ultimatums would quickly follow regarding Republika Srpska, Vojvodina, and Raska.

2. EU is offering nothing in return and is thus putting forth an unreasonably aggressive ultimatum that will not be supported or enforced by everyone. Romania, Hungary, and Greece would almost certainly quickly fall out of the coalition, offering us a way to the world and trade.

3. China would see it as an opportunity to get back at the West and would offer financial aid to blunt the impact of sanctions, helping us get through them.

Eventually the other side would have to get reasonable, especially if the war in Ukraine gets settled.

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It seems that only a large international congress or conference, which would solve broader, regional problems within which Serbia is included, with long-term political solutions that also imply sustainable economic strategies, could perhaps give some hope of achieving a more peaceful region. All the rest are short-term schemes, temporary extinguishing of the fire, which, sooner or later, would flare up with even greater ferocity. The only problem is that holding such a conference without Russia, which is ostracized from the international community, cannot offer a sustainable solution. And here we go in circles and foreboding bad days.

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Milosevic's Minister of Information, Vucic is ruling the country 20 years after the Kosova War. Serbia is democratically backsliding, it is trying to destabilize its neighbors, especially BiH, Kosova and Montenegro. Meanwhile it has a candidate status and has not aligned its foreign policy with the EU, being the only country in the region to do so. This increasingly authoritarian country never denazified after causing genocides in the Balkans. It should not be appeased or justified by these self-victimizing articles.

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Hear, hear ….

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The sheer limitless capacity of the aggressor to see itself as the only real victim, never ceases to amaze me. It's only topped by the inconceivable depths of the hypocrisy to holler all this from free, safe, prosperous, elitist New York, New York.

Imagine the most lenient, consensus-prone, paper-tiger-like, sluggish, boring, technocratic, bureaucratic establishment (the EU) losing patience. Well… you had obviously nothing to do with it.

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Thank you! Could not agree more. It is amazing how they perpetually paint themselves as victims while perpetrating crimes that actually resulted in War Trial Tribunals. Mind boggling. I don’t think I’d want them as neighbors.

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The war crimes tribunals were kangaroo courts set up by the aggressor nations to justify NATO's bombing of Serbia. It would be as if Hitler set up a war criles tribunal to sentence Poles for "Polish atrocities"

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Either you forgot to study history or you forgot to take you meds, take your pic.

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Yes Serbia was an aggressor. Was this in the Croatian Krajina which serbs had guarded for 4 centuries, Bosnia where they were majority before Muslim/Croat genocide in WW2 or Kosovo their millennium long homeland

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Well, heroes personified! Maybe you should submit Serbia for the Nobel Peace Prize?

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Why not? Can't be worse than Obama

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All three!

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Prilično precizna slika oniga što i ja mislim da se dešava. Hvala!

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Thank you. That is the problem the West currently has - it offers only only bricks. Was different 10 years ago.

As for Serbia - emotionally the ultimatum is very hard to accept, but rationally it should be accepted. means political suicide for the guy accepting it though, Vucic.

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The West only offers “bricks”. Why does the West owe you anything at all? Beggars can’t be choosers.

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Very interesting piece. Thank you, Branko.

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Pieces like this should alert the EU that Serbia is not politically or culturally ready for membership in the EU.

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Oh my God. Serbia, the victim. Who are you kidding. Why do you think you were subjected to sanctions and ultimatums? You keep attacking your neighbors. You keep committing war crimes. There must be a real shortage of mirrors in the Serbian nation.

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I have ask a lot of people the following two questions:

(1) on what legal or moral principle should Serbia accept unilateral secession of Kosovo?

(2) why can Bosnia secede from YU but not RS from Bosnia?

I've never received a good answer except some hand wringing or vague notions of "genocide"

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Genocide is not exactly a “vague” notion.

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It is with the west, whenever you ask them to provide evidence, numbers dead, etc

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I think mass graves are quite convincing. Rape as a tactic of war, likewise.

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This article misses the fact that five EU countries do not recognize Kosovo and EU cannot act in unison. Even Serbia's current close ally Hungary would not vote for sanctions against Serbia.

It also missed the fact on how much Serbia wold lose by giving up on Kosovo de jure.

In the global environment where BRICS and other countries are rising and more and more countries are withdrawing the recognition of Kosovo, the only prudent choice is the frozen conflict for now.

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This mostly, as one reader previously aptly called it - mercantile analysis begs to question, if the needs of 1% of the people in Kosovo can't outweigh the needs of 99% of Serbs outside of Kosovo, where does one draw a line, mercantilely speaking? Is it when the hostage population is at 10%, 20%, 50%?

I understand, as any reasonable person should, that we stand in a very delicate position and that any path we may choose will have an array of negative consequences for our interests, that we must act with jewelers precision and tact. However, precisely because of that, when it comes to higher state reasons, specially ones determining the fate of a nation, they should be brainstormed by interdisciplinary experts taking into account in their analysis much more than this relatively simple mathematics you presented.

I think you present some valid arguments, but I also think this by no mean represents the entirety of the issue at hand and entirety of the consequences. It mostly focuses on negative consequences of one path (saying NO to the ultimatum, or at least working on it diplomatically), not mentioning any negative consequences that would arise if we accepted this ultimatum outright.

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Well written analysis of current situation. IMO, EU is completely empty of creative solutions after lessons learned from Balkans EU members as well other E.E- EU members too. Due to lack of mutually acceptable compromises to find suitable solution, EU is playing bullying blame game in the absence of good political will to find sustainable solutions, EU do not want to add another Balkan country to already troublesome E.E. Club.

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Why would they?

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