
As they say in diplomacy, I cannot dignify such a question with an answer.

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Enjoyed that Branko, thanks - my brain likes insights in story-form ;-)

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This is Glorious (C'est Glorieux)..... Thank you very much BM and thanks to Glaucon and Adeimantus for making these new Athenian dialogues (IV...) for the good of the polis

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When we says global inequality is reduced, it would mean that the relative difference between the top 1% and the bottom 1% be reduced, right? If not, ignore me. If so, inclusion or exclusion of China could not affect this value if top 1% and the bottom 1% is not in China.

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Adam Smith would be horrified to see capitalism today. It has hollowed out America, as wealth concentrates at the very top. Immense wealth has facilitated the buying of politicians, as per Citizens United, where corporations enjoy the free speech (spending money) of flesh and blood citizens.

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This was an entertaining read. Did you, by any chance, use ChatGPT?

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Media which is trusting a way too much to AI demonstrates that it is not critical enough, it demonstrates that AI is conforming to the rules if the current system (let's call it centralised banking capitalist system) and it is part of the status quo. Branko tried to show that AI can "think" differently but "thinking" is not enough like sharing real life story like Alexander Solzhenitsyn and it is not enough to tell the whole story, all aspects and all PoV.

For now AI is dividing the society. 40+ years old books were uniting the societies. In terms of equality and unity, AI is useless for now...

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It really looks like a mixture between chat gpt 4 and very bad human "fine" tuning. When Chat GPT 5 is released, it will come with more natural language and improved memory about the conversation. And in the very end, robots will pursuade us what to do. They will speak better than politicians and professors and nobody can control them if they are build as dapps, P2P or another blockchain technology. AI can be invisible, it can look like a normal user in the social media. AI will be more entertaining, more grabbing and more engaging. It is hard to say what will happen to the human to human interaction, the jobs, the democracy, the peace, the private capital owners and the social divisions. I see society divided between different populist ideas (western and eastern, social and not social). Missinformation will be sharing the truth but not the whole truth. Robots (AI) generate thousands of truths and divide the society. Human trolls are normally not involved in pleasant conversations with you, but Chat GPT 5 and his alternatives can be involved in personal customized exchange of information. When there are no fake news but only truths and half truths, people will start thinking with their hearts. They will begin to trust their feelings and their own intuition. Everyone will be hybrid - half brain half AI controlled. Question is who will operate, control, own AI.

Confrontation between Western and Eastern AI will lead to war, civil war, unrest, aggression, initiatives, special operations etc. Some sort of anarchyic distopia. Once this anarchical freedom is started nobody can ever stop it. :D hehe

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